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Through its latest fiscal year, the Foundation has authorized grants totaling over $3.8 million dollars to assist spouses and children of officers killed in the line of duty. In order to minimize operational and administrative costs, JUSTIS directors and officers serve on a voluntary basis without compensation.


We hope to continue to grow our restricted fund to increase yearly earnings that can be given to families that have suffered unthinkable losses.

Please join us in helping the families of fallen officers. Donate Today.

JUSTIS Mission Statement

The mission of Japan and United States Investing for Survivors (JUSTIS) is to provide help and comfort in the form of financial assistance to the families of law enforcement officers killed or injured in the line of duty. 


Your donation is tax-deductible under Section 170 of the Internal Revenue Code. Tax ID #52-1677148

© 2021 by JUSTIS


T: (202) 587-5615

F: (202) 587-5601


The Japanese-American Friends of Law Enforcement Foundation DBA Japan and United States Investing in Survivors (JUSTIS) is a tax exempt 501(c)(3) organization. 


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